Bridal Fitness Trends for 2014

Bridal Fitness Trends for 2015

Fitness crazes come and go, some lasting for a few months, others just a few weeks.  Some health & fitness trends however, last the test of time. Denise from Glenroyal Hotel and Leisure Club shares some bridal fitness trends for 2014.

Most of us have heard the catch-phrase: “Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym” and with this in mind, we are going to take a look at what has been termed “Clean Eating”. Clean eating is about eating foods in their most natural state and therefore avoiding foods which have been processed or have had sugar, trans-fats or chemicals (with names we struggle to pronounce) added to them. The benefits of clean eating can include: weight loss, a clearer complexion, increased energy levels, higher levels of productivity and concentration and a reduction in stress levels.  A clean-eater’s diet includes unrefined whole grains, lots of fresh fruit & vegetables, free-range meat and dairy, plenty of water, and making healthy cooking choices such as steaming instead of frying. With the fuel for your body sorted, let’s take a look and how to make the most of your increased energy levels.

Bridal Fitness Trends for 2014

Spinning Classes

Spinning is a vigorous indoor cycling workout on stationary bikes. It is a great way to burn calories and the class caters for all ability levels. With energising, upbeat music and a motivating & enthusiastic instructor, the varied routine of warm-up, sprints, climbs and cool-down keeps your workout fresh and interesting. Best of all – you don’t need to wear a helmet!


A kettlebell is a cast-iron weight with a handle which is used to perform exercises that combine cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. The benefits of training with kettlebells and indeed, taking a kettlebell class in your local gym/leisure club can include improvement in your balance, power, coordination and flexibility while building amazing core strength, blasting fat and seeing beautiful muscle tone. Perfect for that strapless wedding gown you’ve been eyeing!


Yogalates is a fitness routine that combines Pilates exercises with the postures and breathing techniques of yoga. A Yogalates session will include exercises to cultivate strength, stamina, stability and flexibility with particular attention paid to strengthening your core muscles. These protect the spine against injury, support the internal organs and promote good posture. Equipment such as blocks, resistance bands and fit balls may also be utilised to further enhance strength and balance. The relaxing deep breathing will help you to manage your stress levels as you plan your big day.
Aqua Zumba
Aqua Zumba integrates the Zumba dance philosophy with the benefits of aqua aerobics. With energetic enthusiastic instructors and the upbeat, exhilarating music, this class is cardio-conditioning, body toning and most of all, it’s fun!

Consult a doctor or health & fitness professional before beginning any new diet or exercise program.

Image via Flickr

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