Cake Trend – Lace Cakes

Cake Trend – Lace Cakes

Mentioning that we are cake lovers here is a little like saying we love weddings…. Duh! We’ve looked at enough pretty blogged cakes to send anyone’s eyes into a diabetic shock but when we see a new trend we can’t help but fall in love…. so we fall in love a lot!

Yesterday, we spoke about doilies and all of the fun things you can do with them which set us on the path of lace cakes. Many hours of research gets spent on finding cakes we love followed of course, by a guilty trip to the gym!

We love the idea of lace cakes because not only are they seriously pretty but, it is perfect if you have a favourite pattern in your family that you would love to incorporate into your day.

Cake Trend – Lace Cakes

Simple, elegant and pretty; the best of these lace cakes are the ones with slightly accented motifs in our opinion. A hint of lace rather than a very ornate piece is just beautiful!

What is your favourite cake trend of the summer?

{Images from Wedding Chicks and Bridal Guide}

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