Getting Ready: Make Your Wedding Morning Easy

Getting Ready: Make Your Wedding Morning Easy

The morning of your wedding day will more than likely be full of chaos! Having a few people in the office that have experience in wedding planning means that we’ve accumulated a few handy tips over the years! Here are a few secrets that will make your wedding morning insanely easier:

Use a plastic over the door organiser for the items everyone needs

Your house or hotel room will more than likely be filled with a lot of people. Bridesmaids, family, friends and maybe even your MUA. Think about all the ‘stuff’ people will bring to your place. Make-up, bags, straighteners, outfits… it will look like a sleepover party explosion! Because of everyone’s things, the important items often get a little buried. Usually, there will be someone shouting ‘where are the scissors, have you seen them???’ Hopefully not followed by a panic attack search party! Avoid crazy confusion by putting all of these items in a shoe organiser. Make a rule, something gets taken out, make sure it goes back in the organiser. You have our permission to go bridezilla on anyone who decides to ignore that rule!

If it’s something important, make sure there’s two of them!

Everyone is going to need scissors, bobby pins, fake tan, towels, face wipes and probably all at the same time. Make sure you have enough of everything to go around or even little travel sized items in your organiser just incase someone needs them.

Plan 45 minutes ahead

It’s a fact, the bride is nearly always late! While it might not be possible to manage and herd everyone out of the room to the ceremony on time, you can plan ahead. If you’ve ever had one of those friend’s who simply cannot arrive anywhere on time just treat like that. Let everyone know that you want them to be there 45 minutes before the actual time you need them to arrive and do the same for leaving. More than likely, you’ll meet a mid way mark and end up being 20 minutes ahead of your schedule… bonus!

{Image from Marianne Chua Photography}

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A true family wedding at Shamrock Lodge Hotel

Real Wedding: Doireann & Ian's true family wedding at Shamrock Lodge Hotel.