6 Guests You Should Never Invite To Your Wedding

Busting your budget by going over on your numbers is so not ideal. Save costs by being extra vigilant with your invite list. Permission granted to cut these 6 wedding guests.

Your Ex

Cue a lot of awkward moments as they introduce themselves to your new in-laws plus what if they still have the hots for you and have an ulterior motive for attending your big day?! Imagine the sweat dripping off you as your officiant asks the congregation to speak up if they know any reason why you shouldn’t be wed. So ya, it’s kind of an unspoken wedding rule that both partners don’t invite exes from their previous relationships.

Your Work Colleagues

So you had a fling with Alan from accounts a few years before you met your new beau. You still bump into each other at the kettle and converse politely about the weather. That doesn’t automatically render a wedding invite. And the same goes to the team member who steals all your ideas and tries to be one step ahead of you at all times. You spend enough hours of the week with these people. If you wouldn’t choose them as your pal outside of work then bye bye Felicia.

Your Nan’s BFF From Bingo

She’s liked every picture on your Facebook page and you’ve never even met her. Her weekly jaunt to the community center with your granny means she’s up-to-date with all the gossip in your life. That doesn’t mean you have to fork out on the price of a meal by going over your numbers. Explain politely that you would rather an intimate wedding with close family and promise to send on some pictures. Sorted.

The Attention Seeker

This pest already upstaged you when you announced your engagement, she had a temper tantrum at the hen-do and she is likely to have more tricks up her sleeve during your big day. If you cave and invite her, she will most likely wear white and announce her pregnancy on the day.

The Frenemy

We all have one of these. She will rave about how fab your day is and how stunning you look. And then as you let out a sigh of relief after finally managing to unzip your dress in the bathroom, you overhear her catty remarks through the cubicle door. This girl is not to be trusted.

The Drunken Liability

Because there’s always one….

Image Credits via: Giphy.

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