Infographic: The Ultimate Guide To Buying an Engagement Ring

We have this great Infographic for those who are thinking of getting down on one knee! Our friends over in Loyes Diamonds have made ‘The Ultimate Guide for Men – Buying an Engagement Ring’.

Getting engaged is a wonderful and momentous occasion in the life of a couple. Proposals vary, with some more extravagant than others. Some couple discuss the engagement prior to it happening and therefore choose the ring together. Other couples like the element of surprise.

Traditionally it is expected that if a surprise engagement is happening, the man produces an engagement ring for his partner. This can be quite daunting especially as it is a piece of jewellery that will hopefully last forever. The man is expected to know what his partner likes and expects. This infographic covers the whole area of the man buying or choosing the engagement ring. It gives some guidance as to what metal to choose, sizing and what budget is expected.

Buying an Engagement Ring - The Ultimate Guide for Men

Thanks again to our wonderful friends in Loyes Diamonds for sending us this great Infographic. Good luck with the proposal plans everyone!

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