What They May Be Thinking About Your Engagement!

What They May Be Thinking About Your Engagement!

You’re engaged! An Exciting time in anyone’s life of course. While you may be thrilled, there are always some party poopers out there who immediately think the worst! Here is what they may actually be thinking about your engagement, and how to handle it.

Maybe She’s Pregnant!

You definitely cannot stop people from thinking this one! And if this is what they think first when you announce your news, there isn’t much you can do (other than wave a pregnancy test in front of them!). You could make a “we’re not pregnant” joke, but why even entertain it. Maybe have the a family member of your side bring a shotgun, just to be subtle about it! The best thing to do with these comments is just ignore it.

Wouldn’t Like That Ring Myself Now…

‘Well it’s a good thing it’s not on your finger then!’ is what you would probably want to say if you heard someone say that. For some reason, when it comes to weddings or engagements – people love to weigh in with their own opinion. Usually most people don’t say this to your face (even if they think it) but if they hesitate, just reassure them that they have no need to worry. You love the ring and that is what matters most.

Why Am I Still Single?

It’s not easy to watch your friend reach a relationship milestone if you’re still waiting for love to come. But, a friend’s happiness is no excuse to bring attention to yourself (especially if it’s negative). If your friend is complaining about his/her love life, there is no need to apologise. Simply say you “hope they can be happy for you” and when it’s there turn, you will be very happy for them. They should get the message that their reaction wasn’t appropriate from there.

On a final note, remember that you can’t change what someone thinks of you or feels about your engagement. While nothing you can do can control their thoughts, you can decide on how much it will affect you. If you and your S.O. are happy; does it really matter what they think?

Image via Etsy

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