Engagement season is just around the corner!! Just sayin. We are pretty excited to hear all your fabulous stories after the holiday season. But before popping that all important question, there are certain topics every couple needs to discuss. After all, marriage is a partnership.

A deal-breaker and possibly the most important conversation you will have when marriage is on the cards. If Martha Stewart is your all-time idol and you daydream about baking for your future children while your partner envisages you driving expensive cars and living the good life as a twosome – this is obviously a red flag.
If one half of the partnership does not want children in the future, you will need to reconsider whether this is something you can live with for the rest of your lives.
An essential chat which pretty much every discussion can be relayed back to. Your household budget will be decided on pay packets, your location will depend on where your work is based and your career choice will ultimately affect your stress levels. If you are lucky enough to have employment, be sure to allow time for each other – a happy work/life balance is super important for maintaining a healthy relationship. If opportunities for your particular skill set are limited, you may need to negotiate a possible move abroad to gain experience.
Money & Savings
If you are newly-engaged, chances are you will be saving for your first mortgage and of course not forgetting your special day. Money and cash-flow problems are the biggest cause of stress and arguments in a relationship. Make a clear budget taking both salaries into account and set goals for savings, bills and discretionary expenditure. You will have your dream wedding in no time!
Where Would You Like To Live
When it’s crunch time, your zip code totally matters. What if you lust after a city chic apartment while your partner would like to settle in a wholesome country village. This is where you really need to sit down and compromise on location. Consider your current jobs, proximity to family and amenities in the area. It’s also worthwhile checking out local schools and speaking with members of the parish before deciding on your future home.
How You Will Deal With Conflict
This discussion will be particularly important if one or both halves of the partnership is from a background with split parents. Seeing a bitter divorce or having parents who are no longer on speaking terms will make your wedding vows that bit more sacred. You will want to avoid past mistakes and ensure that as a couple you will deal with problems that arise together. Finding out how you solve arguments as a pair and deal with conflict will be vital before the big day.
Images Credits: Anna K Photography via Buzzfeed.