Make Over at Ballygally Castle Hotel
We’ve reported something interesting from our friendly ghost friend, Lady Isabella, at Ballygally Castle Hotel recentl ..
Top Rated Wedding Venues in Ireland 2013
Welcome to another thrilling year of our WeddingDates Wedding Venue Awards.
Actons Hotel: Wedding in a Box
When it comes to weddings, we all know how stressful it can be to plan and coordinate a wedding.
The Westwood Hotel to Launch Dedicated Wedding Website and Facebook Page
The 4* Westwood Hotel has just launched its own exclusive Weddings at the Westwood micro-site and Facebook page, both ..
Amazing 2014 Arklow Bay Hotel Wedding Offer (Shhh… It’s a Secret!)
Like anyone who loves an offer (particularly a wedding offer), when we heard that Arklow Bay Hotel may have a offer on 2 ..
Throwback Thursday: 1970’s Ballygarry House Hotel
Welcome to another Throwback Thursday post.