Wedding Envy and How to Over Come it

Wedding Envy and How to Over Come it

As with any major life event, weddings and the lead up can induce a lot of heightened emotions. Yes, it can be a time of extreme excitement and joy but there can also be stressful aspects to the process.

I think it is safe to say that most of us can be guilty of a “keeping up with the Jones’s” way of thinking. There are times when we measure ourselves to other’s expectations or even our own unrealistic standards of perfection. Although I have never been married, I have often thought back to birthdays or big life events and wondered why I put so much pressure on myself for it to be perfect.

Even more so, weddings can often bring out an envious side in people. “I wish I Had Pinterest to Plan my Wedding” isn’t a popular meme for nothing! So, while we’re not saying that it is petty to become stressed out or jealous of someone else’s day; it is important to keep reality in check. Here are a few ways to over come wedding envy.

Forget About Trends

Instead of thinking and worrying about what’s ‘in’, think about you and your partner as the theme. What is important is you as a couple – not the latest in wedding dresses. Use Pinterest, blogs, Facebook, magazines and such for inspiration but remember that you are the theme of the wedding!

Ask For Help

Think about what can do for your day but remember that you can only do so much on your own. 200+ DIY wedding invites may not be realistic with just one person but with the help of your bridal party, it’s amazing what can be achieved!

Avoid Pinterest

If it’s a month to go to the big day or you have managed to tie up most of your loose ends, it’s time to wean yourself Pinterest! Trust us, NO good will come of seeing an amazing décor idea or dress that you can not possibly change so close to the big day. While Pinterest is a great life tool, it’s not worth looking at so close to your wedding. So temporarily delete the app from your phone and move on!

Image via Flickr

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