I found this image during the week on the Facebook page of the talented wedding photography specialists Navyblur and I had to take a few moments to stop and stare. Where was this taken? And what did all the writing on the wall mean? I just had to investigative and find out!
As it turns out, this photo was taken at LE MUR DES JE T’AIME (The Wall of I love Yous) in Paris. As you can see it makes fantastic wedding photography, the couple Kevin & Cecile look magical in this image! This would also make the ideal wedding proposal location, unique and romantic!
French composer Frédéric Baron collected more than 1,000 I love yous in over 300 languages from throughout the world. He collected these from different people throughout the streets of Paris. The strangers were asked to write the I love yous in either blue, red, green or black. After they had written the words on paper, Baron made a note of the language, the country the person was from, and the pronunciation of the word.
The I love yous were printed in a book before the idea of displaying them on a mural came about. Baron met calligraphy artist Claire Kito is 1997 and asked her to help him display these message of love on a wall and Le Mur Des Les T’aime was born.
Le Murs Des Je T’aime is located at the Abbesses garden at Montmartre and covers a surface area of 40 m² with a total of 511 squares in enamelled lava. The words ‘I love you’ are written 311 times in the various languages. The splashes of red on the tiles represent the broken heart which the wall is apparently attempting to unite. Have you ever ever been to the wall? This is definitely on my must see list when I get the chance to visit Paris again!
{Image of Wall of I Love Yous by navyblur photography}