Meet Our Blog & Social Media Queen Ciara Moore

Ciara Moore is another relatively new addition to the WeddingDates office and she has proved herself indispensable in the short time she has been here. She is a Wedding Guru in the true sense of the word and is the “go to” girl for anything at all you may need to know about weddings, accessories, celebrity gossip or anything at all really. We think she may have a sixth wedding sense – even as we are asking a question she often says “oh I have all the info for that here” – just by coincidence.  Spooky or just plain gifted we aren’t sure yet!! Nothing is ever too much trouble for Ciara and she is always the one willing to give a helping hand or advice. Nicest person ever!!!

Ciara Moore

How long have you been working at WeddingDates?

Four months – since May 2015. But it feels like I’ve been here forever!

Do you eat, sleep and breathe weddings?

Pretty much 24/7!! At work I’m constantly writing blogs, seeking out the latest wedding trends and looking for inspiration in the form of pretty pictures for our lovely followers on social media. I also got engaged last year on my birthday in June! It’s quite funny, we are in no hurry and both decided on having a long engagement. But outside work everyone keeps asking have we set a date yet – so I’d say by the time my own big day rolls around I’ll be sick of weddings!

Ciara Moore

What is your favourite part of the job?

Catching up on the latest Emmerdale gossip with a certain two colleagues 😉 And of course I love writing! It’s a great sense of achievement when everything comes together and people react positively on social media.

Ross - Emmerdale

What is your least favourite part of the job?

My friends kill me, I’m known to be very indecisive in certain aspects of my life – mainly when it comes to choosing from a restaurant menu! (If I had my way, I’d order everything!) So my least favourite part of the job would be seeing a variety of amazing wedding venues on a daily basis. It’s actually my worst nightmare. Last month I was dead set on getting married on a cliff-side hotel along Italy’s Amalfi Coast. This month I’m veering towards an Irish country manor wedding. God knows what will happen by the time we actually tie the knot!!

What is your guilty pleasure?

I have quite a few!! Trashy TV, celebrities and I’m a big movie buff. I’m obsessed with TLC and Lifetime at the moment! Housewives of Beverly Hills, Dance Moms, World’s Biggest Cheapskates  – you can’t get any trashier! I also love a good marathon of The Hills and KUWTK. Although someone needs to ground Kylie Jenner fast!!

I’m also a Jaffaholic – let me loose on a box of Jaffa Cakes and I’ll be grinning like a chesire cat. My boyfriend buys me a gigantic box and wraps it every year as a little extra ‘Christmas surprise’. He knows the way to my heart!

Jaffa Cakes

What type of music do you listen to?

I listen to every type of music really. A cheesy 90’s playlist will have me on the dance-floor all night long. I also go mad for early 90’s dance music – I have my dad to thank for that! He’s trying to convince me to do a Sash! mash for our father daughter dance… Not sure stacking the shelves would be a classy look in a wedding dress though!

If a movie was made of your life, who would you choose to play you?

Lindsay Lohan. Bit of a random one but I have loved her ever since I was young and drove my college gals mad by knowing every single word to Mean Girls. I tried to meet up with her recently when we were both in Sorrento. It was her birthday so I offered to buy her a drink, but then I remembered she can’t drink any more. Maybe that’s why she didn’t get back to me… Whoops.

Mean Girls

Do you have any special talents or gifts?

If you want to know anything celebrity related, I’m your woman. That’s not really a talent though ha!

My colleagues might argue this one, but I love cooking. My signature dish is chicken pilaf – it’s a spicy rice, chicken and veg dish. My best friend who lives in the UK gets odd every time we are on Skype and I mention I cooked it for dinner. I also find DIY weirdly therapeutic – its definitely a hidden talent.

What’s your favourite way to spend a Saturday afternoon?

Meeting up with the girls for chats over lunch in Scoozis. It’s quite embarrassing, we’ve been going there for years and order the exact same thing EVERY time. We like to live on the wild side. I also love a good cosy DVD night.

Ciara Moore

If you were stranded on a desert island what is the one item you would bring?

My teddy called Super Ted. He goes everywhere with me since I was one year old! He’s a dead ringer for Mr. Bean’s Ted but I love him none-the-less. I’d also sneak my iphone in my pocket. This way I’d be rescued in no time 🙂


Do you have any passions in life be it people, hobbies etc?

I love travelling to new countries and sight-seeing to experience all the history and culture on offer. My latest trip was along the Amalfi Coast and it had the most breath-taking scenery EVER! I always have a serious case of wanderlust and love nothing better than researching and planning my next trip.


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The Social Team lives for Weddings.

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A true family wedding at Shamrock Lodge Hotel

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