Leap into Love: Why Women Proposing on Leap Year is the Ultimate Tradition Twist!


So, you know how every four years, we get that extra day in February? Yeah, that’s right – it’s leap year! But did you know there’s a quirky tradition that goes along with it, especially for us Irish couples. Traditionally, it’s been the guy’s role to get down on one knee and pop the question. In Ireland, women Proposing on Leap Year is the Ultimate Tradition Twist! Ladies, this is your time to shine, to break stereotypes and to sweep your partner off their feet with a surprise proposal.


First things first, why leap year, you ask? Well, legend has it that St. Brigid made a deal with St. Patrick allowed women to propose to men every four years but the women had to be wearing a red petticoat for it to be considered a proposal. Giving a bit of a role reversal twist. Talk about shaking things up!

Leap into Love: Why Women Proposing on Leap Year is the Ultimate Tradition Twist!


So, why should you consider taking the leap (pun intended) and proposing to your significant other this leap year


Empowerment: This is your chance to step into the spotlight and take control of your love story. Proposing a leap year is about empowerment and showing the world that love knows no boundaries.

Leap into Love: Why Women Proposing on Leap Year is the Ultimate Tradition Twist!

Surprise Factor: Imagine the look on your partner’s face when they realise you’re the one with the ring in your pocket! Proposing on a leap year adds an element of surprise and excitement that’ll make your proposal truly unforgettable. It also adds for a great conversation starter when telling friends and family.


Creating Memories: Let’s be real – life is all about creating those magical moments that you’ll cherish forever. Proposing on a leap year gives you the opportunity to create a unique and memorable story that you’ll be telling for years to come. Since a leap year is every four years couples view the opportunity to propose rare which adds a unique element to their relationship.

Leap into Love: Why Women Proposing on Leap Year is the Ultimate Tradition Twist!

Honouring Tradition: While proposing a leap year might seem like a modern twist, it’s tradition is rooted since 46B.C . By embracing this custom, you’re paying homage to the strong women who came before you and paved the way for equality in love.


Here are some tips for you if you are looking to propose to your partner on this special day: 

Plan Ahead: Plan a romantic and thoughtful proposal. Take the time to think about what would make your partner’s heart skip a beat. Choose a setting that seems right to the both of you! It could be a cosy night in with your favourite meal or a scenic spot that is sentimental to your relationship.

Personalise It: Incorporate elements that are meaningful to your relationship – whether it’s a favourite song, a special location, or a shared hobby. Adding personal touches will make your proposal feel even more special. The most important thing is that it feels true to you and your relationship.

Leap into Love: Why Women Proposing on Leap Year is the Ultimate Tradition Twist!


Keep It a Secret: The element of surprise is key here, so make sure to keep your plans under wraps. Have fun with the process, proposing is an exciting experience so make sure to lean into those emotions before popping the big question. Remember there is no “right way” to propose.

Capture the Moment: Whether you hire a photographer or simply set up a camera on a tripod, make sure to capture the magic of the moment. You’ll want to relive this special day over and over again!

Leap into Love: Why Women Proposing on Leap Year is the Ultimate Tradition Twist!


So, what are you waiting for? This leap year, take a leap of faith and propose to the love of your life. Make it a moment to remember. Remember, love knows no bounds – So go ahead, embrace the leap year spirit, and write your own love story.

Aoife Fogarty
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