Right Brides and Grooms, 1 month completed. I hope that the past 4 weeks have eased you gently enough into the programme and routine.
Now we are getting steadily closer to the Big Day, 3 months exactly.

Photo Credit: Candace Meyer
Again the programme focuses on:-
- Core
- Strength
- Cardio
This time you will find slightly more difficult and challenging exercises, with more repetitions and sets you do. This will be explained in the programme layout shortly.
Again the programme is divided into 3 sessions a week. I gave you the option of completing the exercises Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If this suits you then great! But as long as you can squeeze 3 sessions in a week that is the most important thing!
The Brides
Monday (Lower body)
- Warm Up 5mins Jog/Treadmill/Bike/x trainer
- Step Ups 2 x10 each leg
- Lunge with twist 2 x 6 each leg
- Spidermans 1 x 5 each leg
- 10-15 minute jog
- Warm down/Stretch
Wednesday (Core)
- Same Warm up as Monday
- 15 minute run
- Alternate leg/arm extension 2 x 6 each side
- Leg extension on back legs at 90 degrees 2 x 6 each leg
- Sit Ups 2 x 8
- Warm down Stretch
Friday (Upper Body)
- Same Warm Up
- Single Arm row 2 x 8 each arm
- Bicep Curl and Press 2 x 6
- 20 Minute run
- Warm Down and stretch
The Groom
Monday (Lower Body)
- 10 minute warm up Bike/Treadmill/Rowing Machine
- Deadlift 3 x 5
- Leg extension machine 3 x 5
- Lunges 3 x 5 each leg
- 15 minute run
Wednesday (Core)
- Same warm up
- Bike Level 6 20 minutes
- Russian Twists 3 x 10
- Bicycles 3 x 10
- Crunches 3 x 10
- Warm Down and stretch
Friday (Upper Body)
- Same warm up
- Bench Press 3 x 6
- Assisted Chin ups 3 x 5
- Bicep curl 3 x 6
- 20 minute run
- Warm down and stretch
Example Diet
- Breakfast…Bowl of fruit/Bacon sandwich/water and juice
- Lunch…Pasta,chicken with tomatoe sauce/powerade/banana+apple
- Dinner…Irish stew with rice/green tea
- Snacks…Fruit/a sandwich/energy drinks and water
** Tommy’s Tip Of The Day **
It is crucial that once exercising your body is hydrated! You should be consuming at least a Litre of water per day. This includes winter time too. You might not feel like a bottle of water when it is cold, but you are as likely to get de-hydrated on a cold day as you are on a warm day.
So why not try the 1.5 Litre Challenge?? Drink 1.5 Litres of water per day for 14 days and i gIarantee you will be feeling more refreshed!!